
2011-05-23 - Doubling of bandwidth for dedicated and collocation hosting

2011-05-23 - Doubling of bandwidth for dedicated and collocation hosting: 23/05/2011

After a tough round of negotiations with our suppliers, we at iPower plc have managed to obtain better conditions for our server services. And that's good news for you, as one of our dedicated or collocation hosting customers.

Twice the bandwidth for the same price

From now on - actually since 1 May 2011 - you, as dedicated or collocation hosting customer of iPower, will have access to double the bandwidth. If you still need extra bandwidth, you can purchase that for half price per additional GB.

Click here for the specific properties of the dedicated accounts.

Click here for the specific properties of the collocation account.

A more powerful service for the same price

With this upgrade we are hoping to offer a more powerful service so your business activities on the Internet will run more smoothly. And the beauty is of course that it won't cost you a Euro more.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this upgrade, you can always contact us via the usual numbers.


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