

More info about links

Links are the engines of the internet. The links on your landing page contribute towards the valuation that search engines such as Google allocate. The relevance of the links is key. Even though it is possible to link to other web pages via images, you are advised to do so via text links: search engines can determine their relevance much more easily.

How links look in the text is determined via CSS (cascading style sheets) but in general human visitors associate underlined text with a link. Go for this style and do not underline other text in order to avoid frustrating human visitors when they click on text that is not a link.

Examples of links, from less good to better:

  • A number of introductory paragraphs with a link every time to 'More info'. The text from this link has no relevance whatsoever to the text on the target page.
  • 'More info on subject x.’ If ‘subject x’ is a keyword that is relevant for the content of the target page, it is a much better link.
  • Read more on subject x.’ or ‘Click here and read more about subject x.’ The text from the link simultaneously contains a call-to-action for human visitors and a keyword that is relevant for the content of the target page. This link is interesting for both human visitors and search engines.

On your landing page, locate not only links to external web pages, on websites other than yours, but also links to other web pages on your own web page, on the condition that the keywords in the links and the content of these target pages are relevant. In this way, you create a tapestry, a sort of web of underlying relevance which is important for valuation by search engines. Once again: it is important to be cautious with this in order to avoid search engines regarding this as spam.