More information about related word value
The related word value is the number of times that a word from the list of related words occurs in a specific tag, taking into account the value. This not only concerns synonyms but also words that are linked to the keyword in this specific context.
Example: A synonym for the keyword 'optimisation', in the context of search engine optimisation or SEO, is 'optimising'. In another context, 'perfecting' and 'completing' could also be synonyms but in reality these are seldom or never used in relation to SEO. Closely related words to the keyword 'optimisation' include 'optimise' and the plural 'optimisations'. Other related words include 'search engine', 'SEO', 'conversion', etc. because these often occur in web pages that use the most important keyword 'optimisation'.
Every related word has a value. This is determined by the relationship of the related word with the keyword, the analysis of the words that Google recognises as related words and the value that Google ascribes as a result of their importance and relevance.
For the purposes of the analysis, your landing page is compared with the average web pages that are high up in Google's results list for a search with that keyword.
The closer the number of related words on your landing page is to the average number of related words on the high scoring web pages, the better these will score with Google in reality. Add words from the list of related words (
) or scrap (
) them until the score is good or perfect.
Primarily in the body, i.e. actual content, the related words make the text more relevant for the search engines and more interesting for human visitors.
NB: determining the related words and the value thereof takes place via automatic analysis of the Google results for the keyword entered. This involves a great deal of robot work. The data from Google itself is also often the result of automatic analyses which rarely involve human intervention. Sometimes the link from the related words to the keyword is less clear for human observers. So make a well advised choice from the list of related words.

Tag: body
In the web pages that score highest with Google for a search with the keyword - in this case 'search engine optimisation' - there are an average of 20.18 related words (related words x value). In the analysed landing page, the result of [number (related words x their value)] is 27.63.
The difference of 7.45 can be eliminated by, for example, using 'seo' and some other related words less often in the text. The difference would then drop.
Words that are less related to the keyword, have lesser value.
Also in the list are the words 'Sponsors' and 'outboard' and so on. These are the result of the automatic analysis where the link between the keyword and a possibly related word is very vague. For a human visitor, 'sponsors' does not (usually) fit into the context of the text.